Coronavirus Update 24 June 2020
It’s Lee from Awoolfsson Osteopaths. I hope you have been safe and well through the lockdown. I wanted to let you know that we are opening again and to advise you about the changes that have been made to the practice to ensure it is running safely.
A risk assessment has been carried out to reduce the risk of exposure and transmission of COVID-19 and the necessary adaptations have been made. A full copy of this can be found on Risk Assessments and displayed in the practice for further details. Below are the key changes that have been implemented:
The Osteopath will be wearing gloves, disposable apron, and face mask whilst seeing patients. During work on the head and neck, protective eyewear and a visor will also be worn by the practitioner.
All patients will be required to wear a mask and gloves whilst on the premises. These can be provided as well as hand sanitiser.
Please do not turn up early as it is no longer possible to wait in the waiting room. Please wait outside until your appointment time and I will let you in. There is no need to use the doorbell. The practice will be cleaned and aired between patients for a minimum of 20 minutes. Patients will not be allowed in until this process is completed.
All patients will be required to fill in a COVID-19 screening questionnaire before every appointment. This is done by following the link in the confirmation email or reminder email & SMS. There is no need to download anything. It will all be done online.
In order to comply with social distancing guidelines, the treatment room and waiting area have been reconfigured. Floor marking for the chairs to indicate 2 metres from the desk have been put down. A maximum of 1 other person in addition to the patient will be able to attend the session if required. The additional person will have to sit in the waiting area.
The temperature and oxygen saturation of every person that comes to the practice will be taken before entry. Anyone with a high temperature or low oxygen saturation reading will not be allowed into the practice and will be recommended to call 111 or contact their GP.
Practice hours have changed slightly to accommodate some of the alterations due to COVID-19. It is now open from 9 am and the last appointment will be 6 pm.
The practice now accepts contactless payment via Apple Pay and Android Pay and contactless card payments up to the current limit of £45.00. Payment can also be made over the telephone or via BACS transfer, and Paypal.
From 29th June the price for a standard consultation will rise to £55.00. This has been necessary due to the lockdown and the measures above. This is our first rise for 3 years.
The practice now accepts American Express cards now as well as most other debit and credit cards. We hope to be able to process online payments shortly as well. An update will follow soon.